Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Neighbor Kids

Last night, my husband and I went to a missions meeting at our church. We listened to a woman give a presentation on her trips to Ghana and how it's on her heart to put a water well down in a particular village. She had video'd the pool of water the people are drinking out of and I felt such an empathy for these people. They walk for miles to get water we wouldn't give our animals to drink.

There are no easy answers to these problems and there is no wishing them away. I am my brother's keeper... We are going to do the work of fund raising and sending people people to Ghana to put a well down so the village can have good water to drink and do their daily chores. In fact, we are doing this in February, 2011. The amount of funding we need to send this group of people would pay our house off, but what price does one put on a human being when it comes to helping them be healthy, no less a whole village?

It's not a job that my husband and I are used to. We have served as missionaries to West Virginia, taking all kinds of clothing and supplies down to people that have a struggle just getting by. After floods we have taken cleaning goods; before school starts we take hygiene supplies and school supplies. In fact, we are going in August of this year to do take shampoos, deodorants, etc.
We need some others to come along side us; if God is speaking to your heart...please contact me.

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Introduction

How do you introduce yourself to someone you cannot see? I'm not sure but here I am to attempt it....

My nickname is Sunny and largely because that speaks of my disposition. I live in Shepherd, Michigan and I am a wife, a mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, and friend. The Bible says, "If you boast of anything, then boast in Christ", so I will boast that I am a Christian.

I've never blogged before so I'm not sure what expected of me or if anyone will see this at all; but I aim to do this.

Beyond being a Christian I am also a hobbyist. I knit mostly, machine and by hand. I also like to make wood cut-outs on a scroll saw and paint them. I used to sell most of what I made but lately I only create for myself.

I am married to a fine man and have been for 43 years. We have 4 adult children of our own and several foster children. We raise Chihuahua's and they are fun.

Well, it's time to slide out of here and do something of importance; like clean the diningroom table off.
